This spring has brought us many beautiful flowers in our butterfly garden and back yard.  I have been taking photos of these flowers for a few months now and have decided to compile them into a slideshow to share with you.  There are even some flowers that may otherwise be considered the oh-so-scandalous weeds!  However, a plant is only a weed if it is growing somewhere where it is not welcome....all flowers are welcome in our yard!

Our butterfly garden was planted last April and has grown and flourished.  We have really enjoyed seeing the many different critters that come to enjoy the garden.  (Post on critters coming soon!)  This spring, as the plants started to take off growing again, I transplanted the purple porter weed and some of the fennel to my back yard where they would have more room to grow and could take up as much space as needed.  To fill in a few gaps, Riley & I sprinkled a butterfly seed mix which has quickly filled up our little garden and surprised us with a huge variety of flowers to enjoy.

If I had to pick favorites, I would say the Jasmine & Gardenia have the most lovely aroma, but the Passionflower and Hibiscus are probably my most favorite to look upon.  What do you have growing in your yard?  What are your family's favorite flowers?
5/20/2012 10:47:19 pm

What a lovely garden!

5/21/2012 01:06:38 am

So gorgeous! Our front yard is, unfortunately, a bit of an eyesore right now. It was composed primarily of less-than-hardy plants and shrubs that didn't survive the drought last summer. Our backyard, on the other hand, is what my son calls "a jungle"! Bird baths, feeders, home to a screech owl-- it's awesome.

I love the idea of sprinkling butterfly seed mix! Maybe we'll try that to spruce up our front yard. I'll pick your brain at knitting tomorrow :)


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